Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Just saw a really cool campaign from FOX - PAUSE - it's about providing you with enough information and let you make your own decision, thanks to Miw for sending me this cool link :)

What's PAUSE all about then??

What's a minute worth to you? Is it enough time to text a friend? Enough time to race to class after sleeping through the alarm (again)? Enough time to read this page? Or is it just long enough to seperate a smart call from a risky move?


That's a one minute pause, 60 seconds to stop, think and consider the impact of your actions. A pause is a delay, a breather, a suspended reaction. A pause is about finding time to get the facts, and using those facts - not Impulses - to help make decisions. When emotions are running high and a minute can feel like an instant or an eternity, a pause is a moment of clarity you create for yourself.

"PAUSE won't tell you what to do. PAUSE will provide you with information about your Mind, Body and Relationships and empower you to make your own best decisions. When you can rely on accurate info and make choices you're comfortable with, you're in the driver's seat. PAUSE is not about judgement. PAUSE is not about staying informed and in control. It's about the confidence you gain when you know about the facts and yourself. PAUSE is also about seeking help when you need it."

So how long did this take you to read? Two or Three minutes tops, right? The next time you make an important decision, take just one minute to pause and see how valuable 60 seconds can be.

Info: http://www.fox.com/pause/

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