Monday, October 23, 2006

Quotes from "Grey's Anatomy"

"Grey's Anatomy" - my latest favorite series this year. It's not just a story of doctors in a hospital like ER, it's more interesting - more fun - more sharp, witty, snarky lines in every episode and the acting is great!! Sometimes, there's nothin special or incredibly intelligent about those lines they say, but its all in the delivery that cracks me up so bad ;)

So far i only watched the first season (all in one day, well there're only 9 episodes in season 1) ~ more are on the way (on bitcomet). But just wanna post some memorable quotes from this series.

Dr. Meredith Grey: A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.

Dr. Meredith Grey: Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.

Dr. Meredith Grey: I've heard that it's possible to grow up - I've just never met anyone who's actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way, we whisper secrets with our best friends in the dark, we look for comfort where we can find it, and we hope - against all logic, against all experience. Like children, we never give up hope...

Dr. Meredith Grey: After all this time, all your warnings about me sleeping with my boss and you're doing the same exact thing.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Oh, it's not the same thing.
Dr. Meredith Grey: It's the exact same!
Dr. Cristina Yang: No, it's not. You and McDreamy are in a relationship.
Dr. Meredith Grey: And you and Burke are in?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Switzerland. It's very neutral there and they make very nice watches.

Dr. Meredith Grey: Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need.

Dr. Meredith Grey: We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?

Alex: Morning, Dr. Model.
Izzie: Dr. Evil Spawn.
Alex: [he sees a tattoo on her lower stomach] Ooooh, nice tat. Do they airbrush that out for the catalogs?
Izzie: I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull?

Dr. Shepherd (to Danny): She asked me to tell you...She wanted you to know, that if love were enough...that if love were enough, that she'd still be here with you.

George: We have to do something. Meredith has become like an exhibit like...hey... like a zoo that rare panda that everyone stares at.
Izzie: Please don't say that to her face. I think that panda died alone

Okay, there are too many good lines to choose from ~ i just Love Love Love this show!! By the way, those quotes i got from televisionwithoutpity and imdb. should know by now that one of my hobbies is to download series and watch it. Other series on my list are Veronica Mars (recommended!!), Criminal Mind, The Ghost Whisperer (cant believe i cried so much watching it), Grey's Anatomy (season 2 and season 3), Heroes and 24 (umm..i got season 3-4 left somewhere in my house).
Meh...and so many others i wanna download -- can somebody just send me Cold Case, SuperNatural, Prison Break and Bones???
If i have more money i'd buy them instead of downloading - really wanna collect all seasons of Friends, Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, CSI, and 24!! it's really time to get back to reality...huhhh.


c'est moi said...


I'm also the fan of Grey's, babe...! I love all the music featured there, incredible. I also have a full version of Sex & the City. You can borrow them all from me before I'm not in Bangkok anymore.. :-)

Anonymous said...

It seems to me it is very good idea. Completely with you I will agree.